Alsil | Almeida & Silvas, Lda
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About us

ALSIL is a family SME, founded in 1922, dedicated to the Mechanical Industry.

Who we are

As subcontractors, we are used to manufacture a very wide range of products which can go from some grams up to 15 tons. Being specialised in the Maintenance & Reparation of Industrial Equipment and also in Precision Mechanics we have as main strengths our Reputation & Credibility in the market, Flexibility, Reactivity, Experience, and our Best-Cost Provider strategy.

What we do

Our aim is to provide “more value for the money”. We put emphasis in differentiation through Quality, Service and Strict Accomplishment as at the same time we minimize our costs through Continuous Improvement, High Productivity Levels, Vertical Integration and Excellent Relations with our Suppliers.

Business Areas

ALSIL is used to produce a very wide range of parts like shafts, rings, driveshafts, pistons, drums, labyrinths, rods, special screws,  valves, wheels, pulleys, flanges, etc.

We are very flexible and reactive, being able to offer a complete solution, including machining, heat treatment, surface treatment and special coatings. Being in the market for more than 90 years, we are used to machine a comprehensive variety of materials and we have a structure that is prepared for both, single part production or small to medium batches.

In our range of products are included machine welded components, generally in larger series and small to medium sizes, as well as welded structures like valves, gearboxes housings, drums, flanged piping, water gates for hydro power plants, reservoirs and others, normally in small series or unitary production.

That is the most recent area of activity in the company. Stockfer identified the need for this kind of products in the market and since ALSIL had the capability to produce high precision parts, we decided to move forward.

One of our main advantages is that we are able to supply complete solutions when integrating the group different companies. Triaxis is able  to study the process including fixtures, automation and control; Stockfer can study and supply the tools as well as hydraulic clamping elements from AMF and ALSIL has the capability to produce and assemble. We are developing in the way that we can also offer the possibility to produce prototypes and approve the hole process before it goes to “mass” production, hence reducing the risks for our customers. Urgent projects may also have shorter delivery terms since we are able to control the complete process within only one group of companies.

The company started repairing and doing maintenance works at the main portuguese customers. We mainly operate in the domestic market and our reactiveness was inherited from this area of activity.

Alsil Group

HIDROSER – Serviços e Manutenção de Equipamentos Hídricos, Lda.

Design and maintenance of hydro equipment and power plants

Company founded in 1998

STOCKFER Representações, Lda.

Engineering, development and commercialization of tools and accessories for the industry

Company founded in 1997

HSTOOLS Europa, Lda.

Production of special tools for finishing operations, welded PCD tools, blade reamers

Company founded in 2015; start-up 2018

Triaxis, Lda.

Engineering services, project and design, automation, robot programming, special machines

Company founded in 2002


As a result of more than 90 years of experience, we are used to process a very wide range of materials, as well as we know all the most commonly used heat treatments and surface treatments or coatings.







Mission & Vision


Our mission is mainly supported in 3 basic principles:

  • To produce and supply products & services for the Mechanical Industry that strictly comply with Quality demands, prices and delivery terms contracted with all costumers.
  • To be efficient in the utilization of all necessary resources to the company’s activity, assuring its competitiveness in long terms and therefore allowing its continued existence in time.
  • To accomplish our social responsibilities, namely: obligations with the State and all stakeholders, environmental responsibility and to guarantee the best health and safety practices to our employees.


Our Vision is characterized by a strong determination to become a reference in the Portuguese mechanical sector, recognized by our products & services high Quality level and by the strict accomplishment of all our commitments. We expect to be seen as a company that exceeds all its stakeholders’ expectations, rather than a company that only meets them. We desire to be positioned as a subcontractor that supports (gives assistance) the main Portuguese industries, but not without simultaneously aiming the expansion of our activities abroad (50% Portugal – 50% abroad).

As participant in the capital of several companies within the sector, we pretend to be the central coordinator and dynamist of a strong and homogeneous group that shall incorporate the main areas of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering.

Awards and References

ISO 9001:2015  CERTIFIED

ALSIL is ISO 9001 certified since 2002. The certified

domains of activity are:

  • Fabrication of mechanical elements
  • Repair and maintenance of industrial equipment
  • Welded and machined structures
  • Mechanical and hydraulic clamping fixtures

ALSIL welders and welding procedures are

certified according to EN  norms

ND Tests – LPF certified operator, level 2


PME Líder 2009 –  2020

PME Excelência 2012, 2013, 2015

Cliente Aplauso Millennium bcp 2009 – 2020



Contact Us

Estrada da Circunvalação

Quinta do Paizinho

2794-064 Carnaxide, Portugal


Phone:    +351 214 251 990

* Chamada para rede fixa nacional.

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